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Join Rev Dr. Kim for a collective meditation for peace, online, Wednesday Oct 18th, at 7pm.
In these chaotic times, we must ask ourselves: "What have we learned, and what are we awakening for?"
Healers, light workers, awakened beings, this is OUR moment. The world is facing incredible challenges, and we must unite our energies to bring about positive change.
Before we tackle the external world, we have to address our inner turmoil. Our energy needs to resonate with hope, not despair.
We won't dwell on politics; we'll explore the consciousness behind it. We’ll discuss our fears, our shadows, how to rise above them, and cultivate hope.
Once we are aligned, we'll come together to focus on the change we wish to see.
When our energy is rooted in love, when we are seated in and identified with our truest nature, when we come together in unison, for unity, it influences the world in such profound, measurable, ways.
Join me for a group meditation to focus our energy and influence the collective consciousness, as we’ve been training to do. Let’s honour the responsibility that comes with knowing we are conscious creators.
We're here to create a new reality, the third choice in this world of duality, the conscious choice. We must become the change we seek. If we seek a conscious society, we must be be the conscious society we seek. This is how. This is what it is to be awakened and aware.
Remember, you can't solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. Rise above the chaos and the suffering and help us create a better world.
I am waiving fees this week. Reach out, and I’ll send you the link to participate.
Join me to be the change. It’s time to create anew.
Rev Dr Kim
• Learn Reiki Level 1 online
• Receive 21 days of guidance and support
Tune in, connect, and manage your own energy to make the most of your physical experience.
You’ll do the work. But I’ll be there with you, guiding you through the journey.
Join me ONLINE on Sunday, Feb 5th from 1-4pm to receive your Reiki Level 1 attunement, and more importantly, teaching and instruction, so that you can begin to heal and stop the cycle of coping.
Get in touch to register. The investment is $225 and includes a pdf version of your Reiki manual, certificate, AND 21 days of subsequent online support, in a private Facebook group!
We're energetic beings walking around in meat suits. Learn how to harness, direct, and manage this energy, to make the most of your human avatar experience.
I have been studying human suffering extensively.
I’ve examined it formally in school.
I took a course about happiness through Harvard and another with the Dalai Lama.
I’ve written papers on the topic.
I’ve turned it over many, many times, in my practice with my clients.
I like to be thorough.
And I like to share what I discover.
I like to share, I love to teach, because I understand that we are the only ones who can make any changes within ourselves. Nobody can do it for you. I can’t do it for anyone else. As hard as I’ve tried…I just can’t. But what I can do is teach you how to do it for yourself.
I learned a long time ago that I can have a wonderful Reiki session with a client - truly magical - and as soon as they sit up on my healing table and succumb to their first habitual thought, I watch it all unravel right before my eyes. I learned that no matter what I did to facilitate the boost and clearing of their energy, they were still at the whim of the command centre. Unless I talked them through the process and put it in their hands to understand, implement and maintain, my work was futile. It helped them in the moment. But not long term. No permanent changes, unless the program changed first.
You don’t want to be reliant on anyone for your own energy healing. Yes, take the help when you need it, always. But don’t remain passive and think that any kind of aid at all, a person or substance, can do the work for you. You must take the reins. You must take control of your own mind and in turn, your whole life.
We change the world by changing ourselves. We change ourselves by changing our thoughts. We change our thoughts by becoming aware of them. We become aware of them by becoming aware of our true selves. You are not your thoughts. You have thoughts. You have a mind. It is not who you are. You are the one who hears your thoughts.
When you’re identified with that true self (your soul) and not your thinking mind, you can detach from your thoughts, detach from your suffering, and detach from your programming.
Free will doesn’t affect our destiny. Free will affects our experience of the journey of our destiny being realized.
If you’re not enjoying your ride, then it’s time to learn how to loosen your grip on how you’ve been doing things, and integrate a new way to manage your energy.
Reiki is so much more than a physical healer, which it does, beautifully.
Reiki fills us up.
You know from experience how different things are, how different your mood and perspective is, how different you feel in your body and mind, when you’re full. Reiki keeps you in that place, and in those feelings of fullness, you’re feeling free and safe and uninhibited, and more willing to let go. To let go of traumas, and control, and dramas that keep you spinning.
Reiki cleanses your energy and the energy of the space around you, lessening the need for protection, boundaries, or codependent behaviours.
Reiki training helps you to understand your own energetic nature, and how to harness, direct, and manage this energy. Reiki teaches you how to make the most of your human avatar experience.
I believe that everyone should have at least the first level.
In this first level, self-healing is the focus. After your attunement, you begin the process, and for the next 21 days, you engage in self-reiki. I can’t stress the importance of this enough.
We must undergo our own healing before attempting to share it with another.
If there’s an emergency or crisis, then by all means, please do share all you can.
But it is our own personal healing that will change the world.
It must be your focus.
Heal yourself first.
Fill yourself first.
Learn to take care of YOU.
Learn to take care of your own energy and its field.
And then, from that radiant place of fullness, you can let others light their own flames from your glow.
That’s really what it’s like. We’re all energy, and experiencing sparks of it in varying degrees of subtlety. A Reiki attunement throws gasoline on the spark.
It turns up the volume, and holds the fertile space for you to plant seeds of creation.
What will this life force create for you?
Perhaps it will be physical wellness and bring ease of the body’s suffering. Perhaps it will be emotional wellness and bring ease of internal suffering. Perhaps it will be intellectual wellness and bring ease of mental suffering. Most likely, the answer will be all three. When we tend to the energetic level, all others must follow suit. It’s universal law. Quantum physics has proven this.
When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.
We change the way we look at things when we’re full and cradled in safety.
We change ourselves, and the world, when we understand our true nature, and work with it, rather than against it.
We change our whole experience when we awaken to the energetic grid.
Join me.
I’ll show you how to tap into this stream of life force energy, and how to create the life of your dreams, with this one understanding.
And I’ll keep supporting you through your 21 days of healing too.
Get in touch to register.
Let’s throw some gas on your spark.
Rev Dr Kim.