Signed in as:
Signed in as:
I am a Metaphysical Minister - a Reverend of Spirituality.
I have a PhD in Metaphysical Science,
specializing in Conscious-Centered Living.
I am a Spiritual Health Therapist.
I am a Past Life Regression Therapist.
I am a Hypnotherapist.
I am a Reflexologist.
I am both a Reiki Master and Teacher.
I am a Psychic Medium.
I teach meditation, spiritual development, psychic development, and offer a variety of workshops and retreats, as I learn, grow and discover, through both my formal education and my own direct experiences.
I'm also a mother, daughter, sister, friend, partner, and I'm positive that I'm a pain in the ass to somebody out there.
I am a lesbian too.
I am human. I am spirit.
I am you. I am me. I am that I am.
A little intro into me.
Before we can get into anything else, we have to first understand what we’re doing here! Everything is consciousness. And everything we talk about will come back to this subject. So what is it? Listen and find out what it is to Wake and Bake with Rev Kim.
Families can be hard. Our toughest challenges can come from the ones who are supposed to love us most. But life is rarely lived as it’s “supposed to be”...and there are reasons for that. Trust the karmic bonds.
We’re grieving right now, collectively. Grieving life as we knew it, grieving the world and the lives we thought we’d live. We had plans. We had a sense of direction, or at least sort of. We’re grieving freedoms and vacations and traditions and smiles. We’re grieving the familiar, the familiarity of life. We’re grieving our old perception of a safe and predictable, stable ground. It’s time to find stability in the unknown. The comforts we identified with were always an illusion anyway.
Judgement, or rather, non-judgement is one of the most important spiritual teachings. It is the path to liberation
Alan Watts was one of the world’s greatest philosophers and teachers of metaphysics of all time and he would have been 106 years old this week. I was listening to a lecture of his that fell into my lap circulating to commemorate his life and contribution to the field I happen to be a bit of a fan of, drawn in by the topic of sleep, a very relevant one for me because I don’t do it very well, and heard something different instead. A parallel. I love finding parallels. They’re everywhere. It’s how this universe is made. As above, so below, as within, so without. And in this case…as in dreams, so in life. Consciousness, and awakening. Dreaming…and becoming lucid. That’s my most favourite way to describe spiritual awakening. Lucid living is the way I see it, the way I say it and the way I understand it. Lucid living. Becoming lucid in life. Because this is all just states of consciousness.